Directed by Dokyun Im- USA
- Drama/Romance
- English, Korean
- Subtitled
- 2024
- 15 mins
Hawa and Adam are an immigrant couple. She has been turned away by her family due to an unexpected pregnancy, and the two are now relying on each other while facing the threat of deportation from the United States
Directed by Dokyun Im
Produced by Doyun Im and Trey Garcia
Director’s Bio: Dokyun Im was born in Korea and raised in Irvine, CA.
He studied Film at San Francisco State University. .
Plays in
Stories Our Moms Never Told
What don’t we know about our mothers? Who are they beyond the defining and confining role of motherhood? This showcase delves into the hidden realms of mothers, soon-to-be mothers, and grandmothers—women with secrets, aches, longings, dreams, and griefs. These are the stories our moms never told.