Directed by Jayil PakBased on a true story. When the police refuse to investigate their daughter’s alleged suicide, two computer-illiterate parents decide to design a protest banner.
Directed by Jayil Pak
Produced by Boram Kang
Writen by Jayil Pak
About the filmmaker: After graduating from NYU with a degree in film production, Jayil Pak has worked as a director and editor of commercials, music videos, and short films in both the US and South Korea. His directorial work has screened and garnered awards in over 80 film festivals around the world. In 2019, Jayil was a recipient of the Independent Film Production Grant by the Korean Film Council and the Merit of Excellence by the Shin Young Kyun Arts & Culture Foundation. His latest project Georgia (2020) received the Sonje Award for Best Short Film at the Busan International Film Festival and was nominated for a Blue Dragon Award at the Korean Oscars.
Plays in
The Language of Healing
Language serves as an imperfect bridge between our innermost emotions and the outside world. How can we communicate…