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The Difference Between Us

Directed by Imran Siddiquee

Sufia, an undocumented Bangladeshi immigrant, moves to Philadelphia from small-town Illinois to escape a stressful home life, hoping to live with her cousin Tisha. Yet when she arrives, she realizes Tisha lives with a boyfriend — which means Sufia must find a sublet of her own. This leads her to “Marlen,” whose place she is immediately drawn to despite the fact that they are unable to meet when she first views it. Nevertheless, Sufia falls in love with the apartment, her new freedom, and the version of “Marlen” she discovers through objects in the space and the notes they share. But Sufia’s fantasies follow a romantic script that she must slowly unlearn. Her roommate’s identity is not exactly what she assumes it is, and as she gets closer to realizing this she comes to terms with her own identity too.

Directed by Imran Siddiquee
Produced by Tshay Williams

Director’s Bio: Imran Siddiquee is a filmmaker, writer, and speaker confronting imperialist capitalist white supremacist patriarchy. They are the Chief Communications Officer at BlackStar Projects.

Plays in

Queer Dreams & Waking Life

The mundanity of our lives often feels torturous, especially when contrasted with the fantasies we conceive to escape that daily grind. When coupled with the longings and repression of queer love, this despair can become overwhelming. Nevertheless, the very ideas of romance and desire, whether unrequited or fleeting or separated by great distances of time and space, can provide a glimmer of hope in the bleakest of situations. In these films, characters dealing with the everyday experiences of depression, social alienation, the specter of death, and even legal and workplace frustrations are given respite by the sheer beauty of queer connection and potential freedom. Even as we are anchored to the ground by brutal realities, imagination can give us wings to soar.