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Directed by Christopher Hwisu Kim

When Alison Cho gets an emergency alert on her phone warning of an imminent missile attack, she calls her mom in a panic — only to struggle to explain the situation because she doesn’t know the Korean word for “missile.”

Directed by Christopher Hwisu Kim
Produced by Samantha Renshi Skinner

Director’s Bio: Christopher Hwisu Kim is a filmmaker and video producer for The New Yorker based in Brooklyn, NY, whose work has a keen focus on the Korean diaspora, exploring themes of belonging, heritage, and family through a genre lens. His screenplay E.S.L. won The Black List’s Cassian Elwes Independent Screenwriting Fellowship in 2023.

Plays in

Adventures in Daughtering

Our relationships to our mothers are some of the most visceral ones we have. It has been said that this is all the more for daughters. The characters in these shorts display tremendous devotion whether they are in the role of daughter, granddaughter, or daughter-in-law.