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Directed by Hadi Sheibani

Mother and son play a Catwoman-Batman game before the father comes homes. Noises coming from next door force them to spring into action.

Directed by Hadi Sheibani
Produced by Hadi Sheibani and Ravinder Dhaka

Director’s Bio: Hadi Sheibani has been working as a film editor since 2011. He was awarded an AFA scholarship as the only Iranian Fellow at Asian Film Academy in 2019 and International Film Editors Forum’s Travel Grant as the first Iranian film editor to attend the IFEF in 2022.

Plays in

Coming of Age at the End of the World

Is the end of the world literal or figurative? Each of these films depicts a moment in time when a character begins to understand the meaning of life – just when everything is coming to an end. So much life is lived in this program: coming to terms with a loss of autonomy, burning along with Hong Kong’s “cursed generation” in an over-surveilled record store, and existing in total isolation while the seasons change outside the window. Yes, the world these characters know is ending, but as with all endings, there is newness and change. These young people are gaining insight into how the old world works – just in time to build a different one.